Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Baptismal Call ~
At this lighthouse point on Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz, California ~ I was baptized on Easter Morn . . . .
"Creator Spirit,
who hovered over the waters at creation's birth,
who descended in the form of a dove at Jesus' baptism,
who poured out under the signs of fire and wind at Pentecost:
Come to us, open our hearts and minds,
so that we may hear the Word of life and be renewed by your power, for you live and reign with the Father and the Son, now and forever. AMEN."


Tess Lockhart said...

This is the best baptismal place I've ever seen. How cool for all the symbolic possibilities--of God washing our sins away, of the light of Christ guiding our sailing (with the church, symbolized by a boat) through the rocks and storms of life. Wow!

Peggy Pollard, ISI Santa Cruz staff said...

Hey Kate,

I'm complimented you used my picture of the lighthouse!
I didn't know you were baptised there. It is a holy place.
God bless you as you build His kingdom in our lives.

In His Service
Peggy Pollard,
International Students, Inc. Santa Cruz