Monday, April 20, 2009

After a restful Sabbath day, I awake to Monday . . . . the day after Sabbath . . . . .
Monday is the day that begins a new week with a new perspective.
After resting on the 'things of the Lord' yesterday,
I take a look at my church bulletin and remember our Prayer of Confession.
I sat with members of my congregation and spoke out loud the following:

"God of love and light,
you have called us by grace to live as one,
yet we fail to reconcile and do not work together.
We hide from you and from one another,
rather than joining hands, hearts and resources.
Though called and chosen to live in confident hope,
that Christ's resurrection assures us of abundant life,
we anxiously strive instead to preserve
and increase our own personal well being and profit.
Forgive us for denying the one-ness of Easter hope
and empower us by your Holy Spirit to walk as people of the
resurrection in all we say and do."

This makes me think long and hard on what areas of my own spiritual path do I fail in walking the life of a resurrected child of God. How can I turn my own faith journey into an active life that engages others along the path . . . . The Easter hope of my own life is one filled with enormous opportunity to share the good news of Christ's mission for the world.

My morning prayer this April 19th ~ "Lord, help me this Monday - to see the promised of hope made alive through its spring rain May I be used to Your benefit - to bring awareness to all those I meet today, to the hope and fulfillment of Spring Eternal . . . . amen."

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